OCTOBER 2017: Eaglemoss has officially revealed the details for the new Discovery model subscription, and shared even more visuals of the upcoming ships headed to fans in 2018.
In addition to the subscription plan, the USS Shenzhou model can also be preordered as a standalone purchase in the US shop for $54.95.
ORIGINAL REPORT: Over the weekend we brought you all the news on Eaglemoss’ expanding Official Starships Collection, as the line grows to include forthcoming ships from Star Trek: Discovery at the end of the year.
While he didn’t feature them on the panel aside from a brief glance on stage, Eaglemoss’ Ben Robinson showed off his prototype, unpainted sample designs of the USS Shenzhou and USS Discovery models at his STLV convention booth later that day.

Keep in mind these are early test models and do not feature final textures or details which are subject to change before the final versions arrive from the Official Starships Collection in the coming months.
Here’s a comparison of the test model ship next to the Shenzhou featured in the most recent Star Trek: Discovery trailer:
Keep checking back with TrekCore for more news on Star Trek: Discovery as it breaks!
Thanks to fan Jesse Davis for sharing these photos with us.