As the brand new STAR TREK BEYOND trailer landed this morning – along with another new TV spot – Paramount rolled out a couple of new BEYOND photos over at Empire Online, adding even more things to the already-overflowing pile of new discussion topics.

First up is the aft section of the USS Franklin bridge, where Chekov, Scotty, Jaylah, and Kirk are working out their plan of attack on Krall’s base, using bits and pieces of the battered old starship to lay out their strategy.

In the second shot, Kirk stands watch over Chekov and their alien colleague (played by Lydia Wilson?) as they climb up the downed primary hull of the Enterprise.

Lastly, in a companion article about their new issue, Empire also dropped this explosive photo of Chekov and Kirk’s escape from the Enterprise crash site, seen in multiple trailers.
The previews of this movie are going to be coming more and more quickly as we ramp up to July 22 – hang on to something!