Justin Lin Blows Up the Damn Ship in This Week’s New Omaze Video


It’s that time of the week again! The Star Trek: To Boldly Go contest winner has been chosen — and this time director Justin Lin makes his first appearance on the USS Enterprise sets, rebuilt in Vancouver for STAR TREK BEYOND.

For the next three weeks, one person who contributes $10 or more to the Star Trek: To Boldly Go Omaze Campaign will be chosen at random to be part of the crew. Each of the six crew members will be flown to Vancouver to visit the closed set and meet the cast of STAR TREK BEYOND. There have been three winners (and two announced) so far, so time is running out!

Afraid you won’t make it into the crew? Don’t worry. Supporters will also be automatically entered to with the once-in-a-lifetime grand prize: a walk-on-role in STAR TREK BEYOND.

Enter to win here: Omaze.com/StarTrek.

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We don’t get any preview of the STAR TREK BEYOND production, but here’s a great shot of Idris Elba taking a ride in the Enterprise captain’s chair.


Caught ya!


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