First STAR TREK BEYOND Omaze Winner Chosen, Props and Alien Revealed


Did you enter the new Star Trek: To Boldly Go contest last week, hoping to score a trip up to the STAR TREK BEYOND set in Vancouver? The first week’s winner has been announced!

Okay, so unless you’re Audrianna there, you probably didn’t win. But hey — it’s not over yet!

For the next five weeks, one person who contributes $10 or more to the Star Trek: To Boldly Go Omaze Campaign will be chosen at random to be part of the crew. Audrianna and the five additional crew members will be flown to Vancouver to visit the closed set and meet the cast of STAR TREK BEYOND.

Afraid you won’t make it into the crew? Don’t worry. Supporters will also be automatically entered to with the once-in-a-lifetime grand prize: a walk-on-role in STAR TREK BEYOND.

Enter to win here:

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That video doesn’t just show off Simon Pegg’s wit — it also releases some new behind-the-scenes images of the BEYOND production.

A collection of Vulcan ears.
A new alien creature!
A PADD prop, likely to be augmented with CGI during post-production.
A collection of tech props — including a suitcase full of communicators.

See anything you like? Sound off in the comments below!
