Master Replicas Announces Full-Sized Original STAR TREK Enterprise Dedication Plaque




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Master Replicas Announces Full-Sized Original STAR TREK Enterprise Dedication Plaque




For the first time, fans of the original Star Trek series can obtain a full-sized replica of the famous gold-colored dedication plaque from Captain Kirk’s starship Enterprise!
Master Replicas this week unveiled their next Trek product, a 15-inch full-scale recreation of the bridge-based dedication plaque for the Constitution-class USS Enterprise seen throughout the Original Series. Of course, the ship was labeled as Starship-class on the plaque itself, as the Constitution-class designator was not introduced until years later.

The new 15″ plaque replica. (Master Replicas)

While fans for many years were able to buy a smaller-scale 9-inch version of the plaque produced by the now-defunct Eaglemoss company, this new edition is the first time a full-sized replica has been produced for general purchase.

The specifications, typeface, and layout of the plaque replica was determined by longtime Trek artist Mike Okuda, for both the smaller Eaglemoss edition and the new Master Replicas 15″ reproduction.

The plaque on display behind Captain Kirk. (CBS Studios)

Preorders for the Master Replicas full-sized Original Series Enterprise plaque are now open at a $34.99 cost, with shipments expected in July.

Keep checking back to TrekCore for all the latest in Star Trek merchandise news!

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