Weekend STAR TREK News Updates: The KHAN Audio Drama Lives, Plus New Starship Models & Books




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Weekend STAR TREK News Updates: The KHAN Audio Drama Lives, Plus New Starship Models & Books




We’ve been away from the Star Trek world for the last few days, so it’s time to play catch-up with two new franchise announcements — starting with the surprising news about a project many believed had quietly gone away.

First announced by Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan writer/director Nicholas Meyer during the Star Trek Day celebration in September 2022, the nearly-forgotten Star Trek: Khan — Ceti Alpha V audio drama has not only survived the last two-and-a-half years of silence, but has already been recorded!

CBS Studios revealed Thursday that the 9-episode scripted audio drama, now shortened to simply Star Trek: Khan, has been fully written and recorded — with episodic release planned for later this year. The drama stars actors Naveen Andrews (Lost) as Khan Noonien Singh and Wrenn Schmidt (For All Mankind) as former Enterprise lieutenant Marla McGivers, in the time period between the events of “Space Seed” and of Khan’s return in Star Trek II.

Naveen Andrews and Wrenn Schmidt. (Photos: CBS Studios)

Star Trek: Khan was written by Star Trek: Picard co-creator and Trek novelist Kirsten Beyer and fellow Trek novelist David Mack, based upon a story by Nicholas Meyer.

The exciting expansion of the Star Trek universe will explore the dramatic untold events that unfolded in the desolate world of Ceti Alpha V after Captain Kirk left Khan and his followers stranded there, paving the way for the iconic clash in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. STAR TREK: KHAN will be available for streaming on all major podcast platforms later this year.


History remembers Khan Noonien Singh as a villain, the product of a failed attempt to perfect humanity through genetic engineering whose quest to avenge himself on Admiral James T. Kirk led to unimaginable tragedy and loss. But the truth has been buried for too long beneath the sands of Ceti Alpha V. How did Khan go from a beneficent tyrant and superhuman visionary with a new world at his fingertips to the monster we think we know so well? Recently unearthed, the rest of Khan’s story will finally be told in STAR TREK: KHAN.


In this highly anticipated audio series, Naveen Andrews takes on the role of the iconic villain Khan, exploring his complex psyche and the depths of his anger, ambition and pain. Alongside him, Wrenn Schmidt is set to play Lt. Marla McGivers, a former Starfleet historian who followed Khan into exile on Ceti Alpha V. 

Additional members of the Khan cast, along with a specific release date and schedule, will be announced later in 2025.

*   *   *

Master Replicas has announced a new venture into small-scale Star Trek starship models, with a new line of books that include palm-sized renditions of some of the franchise’s hero vessels.

(Master Replicas)

The new Star Trek: The Starship Library series from Master Replicas launched Friday as a planned series of 4″-5″ die-cast Trek ship models, each of which comes paired with a 48-page book about the starship itself — starting with the Enterprise from Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, along with the Kelvin Timeline’s Enterprise, and the USS Cerritos from Star Trek: Lower Decks.

These are not re-uses of old Eaglemoss starship stock or even the same production tooling, but new models (and display stands) designed at this smaller scale for this new project.

(Master Replicas)
(Master Replicas)
(Master Replicas)

Each book-and-model set retail at $34.99 (£29.99 in the UK), and combine together to make a display featuring critical facts about each starship under the replica itself — the first three starships are expected to begin shipping to preorders in July.

Keep checking back to TrekCore for more Star Trek news!

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