IDW Announces Three New STAR TREK Mini-Series Comics




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IDW Announces Three New STAR TREK Mini-Series Comics




Longtime Star Trek comic publisher IDW this week announced a trio of new limited-run tales set in different eras of the final frontier.
July brings Star Trek: Red Shirts, a five-issue story centered around a group of Original Series-era security officers, written by Christopher Cantwell and illustrated by Megan Levens.

Variant cover art by Chris Shehan, J.J. Lendl, and Declan Shalvey. (IDW)

From IDW’s announcement:

Led by an experienced officer embedded on the snow-ridden planet Arkonia 89, the crew of the U.S.S. Warren has a small window in which to pin down spies seeking to steal classified secrets and keep Starfleet data out of their nefarious hands.


They face threats not only from their faceless enemies but from the brutalizing elements and wildlife of a planet far from home. The red shirts’ lives and Starfleet’s sanctity are on the line…and no one is safe.


“STAR TREK: RED SHIRTS is in honor of the nameless vaporized, incinerated, and otherwise blown apart, where they’re the main characters of a STAR TREK-style suicide mission unlike any other. We will get to know these ensigns and lieutenants intimately before they are likewise crushed, disrupter’d, and sucked into space. Who will survive? Will any? And what is the true nature of their planetside mission to hunt down mysterious spies? This is a major melody Original Series-era story in the key of Death, one I’ve wanted to tell for years, equal parts fun and harrowing, subversive and celebratory of the boldest tunic color one can wear in Starfleet—security red.” – Christopher Cantwell


“STAR TREK: RED SHIRTS is a dream project for me, offering the opportunity to draw an entirely new cast of Starfleet officers… and then to kill them off in delightfully horrific ways! From crusty veterans to fresh-faced (not for long!) ensigns, these new heroes are charging headfirst into strange new worlds, and finding that sometimes they’re just full of strange new ways to die.” – Megan Levens

Cover art by Travis Mercer and JP Jordan. (IDW)

Next is Star Trek: Strange New Worlds – The Seeds of Destruction, a five-issue series which begins in August, which is written by Robbie Thompson and illustrated by Travis Mercer.

From IDW’s announcement:

It’s classic adventure tale with plenty of twists and turns as the crew explore an ice-covered planet and the scary secrets that are lurking deep beneath the surface…. Featuring beloved characters First Officer Una Chin-Riley, Security Officer La’An Noonien-Singh, Science Officer Spock, and Nurse Christine Chapel – plus, a new adorable robot sidekick named D6!


“As a lifelong fan of Star Trek (TOS forever!), I was absolutely thrilled to get the call from editor extraordinaire Heather Antos to pitch on a Strange New Worlds miniseries,” shares Robbie Thompson. “Working on the fourth season of the Paramount+ series has been a dream come true and I’m so excited to play in this sandbox further and be a part of the amazing line of TREK comics IDW has created. I’ve been a fan of Travis Mercer’s storytelling from afar, and it’s been a blast working with him and the rest of the team. We’re taking the SNW crew to one of the scariest and coldest corners of the universe, and I can’t wait for Trek fans everywhere to see the cosmic horrors we’ve cooked up!”


“After reading what Robbie has in store for the Enterprise crew, there was no way I was going to pass up this opportunity!” said Travis Mercer. “The entire team is bringing you a story that’s about to make Strange New Worlds a lot stranger! Strap in folks!”

Cover art by Angel Hernandez and Charlie Kirchoff (left). (IDW)

Finally, September brings Star Trek: Voyager – Homecoming, a five-issue series celebrating the Kate Mulgrew-led series’ 30th anniversary. Written by Tilly and Susan Bridges and illustrated by Angel Hernandez, this story takes place just after the closing moments of the Voyager series finale “Endgame.”

From IDW’s announcement:

Captain Janeway and the crew of the U.S.S. Voyager are back for one final mission before they head home. The limited comic series aims to offer the final resolution that fans have been waiting decades to witness.


This story picks up just moments after the final shot of the series! The final shot of the Emmy award-winning series featured the iconic ship approaching Earth before the screen goes dark… But what if just moments after that, there was one last emergency?


“We’re so incredibly excited to be writing STAR TREK: VOYAGER – HOMECOMING,” says co-writers Tilly and Susan Bridges. “As lifelong Trekkies, we’re delighted to be part of Voyager’s 30th anniversary celebration. We can’t wait to give Janeway and crew one last adventure… will everything go smoothly? Well, this is Voyager… who’s to say (we are, but we’re not gonna spoil it, where’s the fun in that?). We all spent seven years getting to know and love this crew, and it’s an absolute honor to be part of the team that brings them home.”


“I’ve been working on STAR TREK projects for many years and I’ve had the opportunity of participating in incredible stories and being part of exciting adventures,” adds Angel Hernandez. “I’m sure this is going to be one of those special moments that will be part of the wonderful history of Voyager, and it is an honor for me to be part of it.”

The three Star Trek comic stories will be available in comic book shops around the United States, online, and through the IDW app beginning in July. They will be the second half of 2025’s primary Trek comic offerings, following May’s Star Trek: Omega one-shot which will conclude the currently-running Star Trek: Defiant and Star Trek monthly series.

Keep checking back to TrekCore for the latest in Star Trek franchise news!

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