Our friends over at Factory Entertainment were the biggest nexus of Star Trek products at San Diego Comic Con in late July, and they rode the summer event wave over to the annual Las Vegas Star Trek convention which ran the first week of August — and we’ve got some close looks at their next wave of replicas expected to beam down sometime over the next several months.
First up, here’s a good look at their “Catspaw” Enterprise replica which the company introduced as a 2024 convention debut — still available for direct purchase while inventory remains.
Next are some new “scaled” Star Trek prop replicas, a product line for small-sized metal prop recreations which measure about 6″ in length. Factory Entertainment last introduced scaled Trek replicas back in 2022, and now they’re looking to move forward with a few other designs.
(Note that these are all prototypes which may change before a formal release announcement.)

The company also showed off these VERY early, 3D-printed concepts for shrunken Original Series computer consoles — the iconic three-sided Starfleet desktop monitor, and the M5 from “The Ultimate Computer.”

Moving on to their full-sized recreations — Factory showed off for the first time their planned Geordi La Forge VISOR, a metal replica which will come in a clear display case.

The company is also working on a full-size metal replica of the Enterprise-D dedication plaque, modeled to match the version seen in the final few seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation — as well as in Season 3 of Star Trek: Picard, since Trek icon Mike Okuda actually saved the original Next Gen plaque and brought it back to the Enterprise-D set for Picard.
(This plaque still requires additional refinement, Factory Entertainment tells us.)

Staying in the 24th century, here’s a look at the planned Type II “cobra” phaser from The Next Generation, complete with open rear panel — as seen in the episodes “The Ensigns of Command” and in “The Hunted.”
The phaser — like the company’s previous “cricket” and “dustbuster” replicas — will feature integrated lighting and sound.

The company also showcased their Star Trek: First Contact Starfleet phaser rifle replica, a full-sized product that’s expected to be more pricey than their usual high-end offerings if or when the replica comes to market.

Popping into the Mirror Universe for a moment brings us a look at the company’s Agonizer replica, designed after the punishment tool of the Terran Empire seen in “Mirror, Mirror.”
This battery-powered replica features a “joy buzzer”-like effect which buzzes and vibrates when the agonizer’s rear silver ball button is pressed against a disobedient crew member.

For those of you seeking out a path to Sto’vo’kor, Factory Entertainment is moving beyond Starfleet with a pair of replicas straight out of the Klingon Empire: a replica of a 23rd century Klingon communicator, and the well-known “beaknose” Klingon disruptor.
While both prop replicas are modeled after the original hand props introduced in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, only the disruptor will carry electronics thanks to a trigger button-activated sound chip integrated into the replica’s handle.

The communicator is a static piece, as was the original prop used in the film. Made of solid non-metal material, it’s a hefty piece to hold with a lovely paint job.
Factory Entertainment has hinted that one or both Klingon products may come as a “signature edition” in the future, with an included autograph from one of Star Trek‘s Klingon cast members.

For the last part of today’s Factory Entertainment product preview, here’s a look at three new ‘studio-scale’ starship models on display at their convention booth — after last year’s introduction of the refit Enterprise, the Enterprise-D, the Excelsior, and USS Titan / Enterprise-G.
This year, the company showcased the Sovereign-class Enterprise-E, the Miranda-class Reliant (from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan), and Zefram Cochrane’s Phoenix warp ship — each of which features integrated lighting (and sound, in the case of the Phoenix).

These models, ranging from 3 to 5 feet in length, are custom hand-built replicas which take up to six months to produce — and are priced around $15,000 each due to the labor and materials cost required to produce each bespoke starship.

The Phoenix model includes articulated nacelles which can be retracted if desired, and even features fully-modeled and lit control panels inside the front cockpit.

While the pricing puts these enormous builds out of the range of everyday fans, Factory Entertainment did tell us that someone did order one of the Enterprise-E builds during San Diego Comic Con after seeing it in person!
* * *
We’ll be back in a few days with Part 2 of our look at Factory Entertainment’s upcoming slate of Star Trek products — including our extended hands-on video demo of the company’s Next Generation tricorder, Strange New Worlds phaser, and Star Trek V: The Final Frontier Starfleet assault phaser!

Keep checking back to TrekCore for all the latest in Star Trek product news!