Star Trek gamers, there’s a new strategy came coming from WizKids this fall that will place you in the center seat of the final frontier: the upcoming Star Trek: Captain’s Chair.
Announced last week, the new deckbuilding card game includes elements from all accross the Star Trek universe, from the Original Series through The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, Discovery, Lower Decks, and the feature films.
Here’s how WizKids describes the game:
From David Turczi and Nigel Buckle, designers of Voidfall and the Imperium Series, comes a strategic and fascinating deckbuilding game that puts you into one of the most powerful seats in the galaxy: the Captain’s Chair!
In Star Trek: Captain’s Chair, you will go head-to-head with an opponent, each stepping into the shoes of an iconic captain from across Star Trek’s galaxy and history. Command ships, crew, and away teams, while you manage resources and alliances!
Each of the six captains come with their own unique, asymmetric deck of cards, themed to that captain’s personality strategies, allies, and assets. Each deck creates different strategic directions, based on what common cards are available and what strategy your opponent deploys.
True to Star Trek, antagonism will not win every game. You will need to pursue diplomacy, exploration, and science, with different captains excelling at different paths. With hundreds of unique, deeply thematic cards, you’ll want to explore the galaxy again and again! The chair is yours, Captain!

When playing Star Trek: Captain’s Chair, you can choose from one of six starship commanders: Jean-Luc Picard from The Next Generation, Benjamin Sisko from Deep Space Nine, Michael Burnham from Discovery, Koloth the Dahar Master from Deep Space Nine, Sela from The Next Generation, and Thy’lek Shran from Enterprise.
It also includes a great deal of included material to use during gameplay:
– 240+ standard cards
– 32 ship tokens
– 12 automated command cards
– 2 player aid cards
– 6 specialty markers
– 25 latinum tokens
– 30 dilithium tokens
– 9 action tokens
– 6 mission completion tokens
– 50+ glory tokens
– 10 x5 resource tokens
– 1 market strip
– 1 starting player token
– 1 card list
– 1 score pad
– 1 rulebook
– 1 solo rulebook

The new Star Trek: Captain’s Chair game can be preordered today from WizKids, and is projected to arrive in the last quarter of 2024. Will any of you be playing? Let us know in the comments below!