Star Trek: Discovery returns for its fifth and final season this Thursday, and we had the opportunity to speak to with show’s cast and creative team ahead of the show’s last year of adventures.
Along with a group of other outlets, TrekCore spoke with series star Doug Jones (Saru) about the Kelpien’s five-season arc, his relationship with Vulcan president T’Rina (Tara Rosling), and more.
Q: How do you feel about Saru’s journey over the course of the series?
DOUG JONES: Saru has been on quite a journey over the course of the series. Starting very fearful, climbing the ranks as the first Kelpien in Starfleet needing to prove himself — but now we’re in a place for Season 5 where he has proven himself, time and again. He’s risen in rank and title, and become more of an empathic character to the younger crew members; more of a parental figure and a mentor guiding them along as they make their decisions.
I like being the older gentleman in the crew that can be that parental figure; it’s been great for Saru, and I felt like his storyline in Season 5 felt like, “This could be a good finale for him,” even before I knew it was Discovery’s finale. So when I heard about the show ending, I was like, “Well, that almost makes sense,” for my character, selfishly.
We had the luxury of going back and filming a little coda, we’re calling it, that they will tack onto the last episode to give the audience a sense of closure for the whole series.

Q: how do you feel about Saru’s relationship with Michael Burnham?
JONES: Saru and Burnham are very much like siblings who have gone through the phases of competition, and then growing into “Oh, we’ve been through life and death together.” We’ve had disagreements — she’s made decisions he maybe wouldn’t have done, and he’s had to reprimand her when he outranked her — we’ve had “break up” scenes and “make up” scenes and have gone through an awful lot together.
So where change might be afoot for Saru in Season 5 with an opportunity coming, what does he do with that? She really is his tether to the starship Discovery, and a moment comes where he expresses a sense of family with her by touching foreheads with her. It’s something that we Kelpiens do — I did it with my sister Siranna, and with my protégé Su’Kal. It’s not a romantic thing, it’s a family thing.
So there’s a moment with Burnham and Saru where I guide her into a forehead touch that was really, really quite touching for both of us.

Q: Saru gets a bit of action this season — was it a challenge to run around in the woods in full Kelpien prosthetics?
JONES: When we filmed the away mission on that planet, it was outdoors in the forest where there was sunshine, but it was really quite cool and lovely, so I wasn’t facing any discomfort with the Saru prosthetics that I wouldn’t have on a regular set. But when you’re wearing hoof boots in a high-heel position — with no heel — out into the woods with sticks, rocks, uneven terrain… there’s a lot at stake!
So I want to give credit where it’s due, to my stunt double Bauston Camilleri. He’s 25 years younger than me — a tall, skinny guy who can take a hit and live through it. God bless him, he has saved my life so many times. He was my stunt double for The Shape of Water, and for What We Do In the Shadows, and for all five seasons of Star Trek.
I want to bow to him, and other stunt people like him, who save us actors and keep all of our limbs in one place. He took over a lot for the forest action Saru scenes — he did a lot of the work for me. As a 63-year-old skinny guy, I am happy to let a young person go do that! I’ll stay over here and keep my hips together.

Q: What can you tell us about Saru’s relationship with Vulcan President T’Rina?
JONES: The love story between Saru and T’Rina has meant the world to me. That’s the one with I’ve had for Saru throughout this entire series… “Can he find love?” [Laughs] When you’re playing an alien, a non-human species, it’s nice to have a love story. It’s more rare. Coupling him with a Vulcan? Perfection.
They’re both very diplomatic, they’re both very poised and proper — and he wants to be protective of her, but she’s adamant that she does not need his protection. T’Rina takes the lead often because she knows better than Saru does in many, many situations.
This interview has been edited for clarity and length.
We’ll be back tomorrow with our final Discovery interview of the week — with the one and only Captain Burnham herself, series lead Sonequa Martin-Green.