Win a USS Vancouver STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS Starship Model from Master Replicas!




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Win a USS Vancouver STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS Starship Model from Master Replicas!




First announced by Eaglemoss in February 2022 — and never released until Master Replicas’ stock sale on April 19 — the Parliament-class USS Vancouver from Star Trek: Lower Decks is about to warp home to one lucky TrekCore reader!

This contest has ended and our winner has been notified.


The USS Vancouver (NCC-70492), was the second new Starfleet starship design introduced by the animated series, first appearing in Season 1’s “Cupid’s Errant Arrow.”

USS VANCOUVER  — The design of the Parliament-class starship was essentially dictated by its role in handling assignments that focused on extensive, complex engineering projects.


Advanced in terms of 24th-century design, the U.S.S. Vancouver comprised a large primary saucer section. Its low-slung, aft-ranged warp nacelles were secured by large pylons that formed part of the saucer section’s dorsal superstructure. A discrete secondary hull and deflector array was located below and aft of the saucer section.


Around 2380, the Vancouver was instrumental in successfully completing an operation to demolish one of the moons of Mixtus III. During the mission, the crew was supported by the U.S.S. Cerritos.

The third (and likely final) ship in the Lower Decks Starship Collection measures in just over 8 inches in length and (as of this writing) is sold-out at Master Replicas’ website — and unless there’s another batch of ships found in their Eaglemoss inventory, that’s it for the Parliament-class.

Except for one of you loyal TrekCore readers, who can win one of the rare starship models that our friends at Master Replicas are holding in reserve just for you! To have a shot at landing it for yourself, you can enter to win in one of two ways:

Follow us on Twitter and tweet @TrekCore using the hashtag #VancouverMR…

…or you can follow us on Facebook and then comment on this post with your desire to own this model.[0]=AZVVo9jXuuaUxxENWevM4BmHTiBhd8auNbaGQcJBAOTDXlw4-A6EYR-UdZtovhNeOflQ4rdRUUEHHYtFKz76bEolZfkowQUhsbroJi6B_DUHYMN0iYqVPooP-EtBh06u6DWvW9NfqiuuG91xJ-ngbJscEvu0XzkbGCOucrh3QrwOPg&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

You have until 11:59 PM (Eastern time) on Monday, May 15 to get your entry in — we’ll reach out to the winner through either a Twitter or Facebook direct message after the contest closes to arrange for fulfillment.

Good luck to all!

The comments section of this article will not be considered for contest entries.

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