It has been nine months since longtime Star Trek collectibles vendor Eaglemoss went out of business, leaving fans of their Official Starship Collection have waiting to hear if any of their produced models will ever return to the open market.
Now, those of you who missed out on the Official Starship Collection releases have cause for celebration, as the remaining stock of starships produced by Eaglemoss has been bought and is being prepared for sale by Master Replicas… starting this Sunday, March 19!
We caught up with with Ben Robinson, the architect of Eaglemoss’ extensive line of Star Trek collectibles, and who is now helping Master Replicas with the sale of Eaglemoss’ remaining stock.
He walked us through how the Master Replicas sales will work:
They will list 25 products at a time, every two weeks. I think the good thing about that is that people don’t have to find hundreds and hundreds of dollars in one go to try and get anything that they’re missing.
It’s not all going to be swept up by the scalpers and sold at these vastly inflated prices, just because you couldn’t afford to get the one you wanted.
I think logistically, the idea of dumping all 400 of them in one go was just a complete nightmare and would have been really difficult for everybody. The idea of doing it 25 at a time is to keep it reasonable and to give people a chance.
Every two weeks for as long as they have new products to sell, Master Replicas will be listing 25 new collectibles for sale. This includes all the Star Trek starship model categories — the regular collection, specials, XLs, ships from Star Trek Online, Discovery, Picard, and Lower Decks collections — as well as a limited selection of busts, plaques, and other Star Trek collectibles produced by the company during the 10 years they were in the Trek business.
On top of all the Star Trek products, these sales will also include select other items from various licensed product lines, including The Orville, Stargate, The Expanse and Doctor Who. What Master Replicas will have to sell through their new storefront is dependent on what stock was available at the time Eaglemoss went out of business last year.

“There is some of pretty much everything,” Robinson told us, but that doesn’t mean that every model will come with the printed magazines which originally accompanied the Eaglemoss releases. Listings on Master Replicas’ site will indicate whether the ship is accompanied by a magazine or not.
It also means that some of the listings may be very limited quantities, so you will want to move quickly to purchase any “must have” ships on your wish list when they go live every two weeks.
Robinson also stressed that, while there might be efforts underway to identify a new licensee who wants to make new Star Trek starship models in the same vein as the Ealgemoss lines, for the more obscure ships that Eaglemoss produced, the Master Replicas sale is likely your best (and maybe only) opportunity to purchase these again at retail prices.
Said Robinson:
“If you want [a certain ship in the Master Replicas sale], this is probably your best chance to buy it. I think it’s pretty clear that there are lots of ships where we did that were really obscure, that nobody’s going to make again.”
Prices will vary depending on the size of the model, but will mostly align fairly closely to the original Eaglemoss retail prices. That will make Master Replicas the most affordable place for purchasing many of the rarer ship models, which can be listed today on eBay for hundreds of dollars. Additionally, Master Replicas will ship almost anywhere in the world, though expect some shipping charges (and potentially import) duty depending on where you are purchasing.
In addition to the collectibles that had already been released by Eaglemoss that are now getting a re-release, the sales are expected to include some ships that only received very limited releases — or were announced but never offered for sale — including the USS Nog and the USS Liu Cixin, but also items like the Caretaker’s Array, the XL-sized Stargazer, the USS Vancouver from Lower Decks, and the gold-plated XL-sized Enterprise-E.
* * *
TrekCore can today reveal the first releases that will be part of the initial round of Master Replicas’ sales, beginning this Sunday:
From the Official Starships Collection subscription lineup:
- U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 (Constitution Class Refit)
- U.S.S Enterprise (Star Trek: Phase 2 Matt Jefferies Concept)
- U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-C (Ambassador Class)
- U.S.S. Defiant NX-74205 (Defiant Class)
- I.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D (Mirror Universe)
- U.S.S. Bozeman NCC-1941 (Soyuz Class)
- USS Appalachia (Steamrunner Class)
- U.S.S. Voyager (Rick Sternbach Concept)
- U.S.S. Valiant (Jim Martin U.S.S. Defiant concept)
- Valdore (Romulan Warbird)
- The Baxial (Neelix’s Ship)
- Steth’s Coaxial Drive Ship
From the XL Starships line:
- XL: Enterprise NX-01
- XL: Deep Space 9
- XL: U.S.S. Prometheus NX-59650
- XL: U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E
From Star Trek: Lower Decks:
- U.S.S. Titan NCC-80102 (Luna Class)
- XL: U.S.S. Cerritos NCC-75567 (California Class)
From Star Trek: Discovery:
- U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 (2257)
- U.S.S. Liu Cixin (Mars Class)
- U.S.S. Nog NCC-325070 (Eisenberg Class)
- U.S.S. Kerala NCC-1255 (Shepard Class)
From Star Trek: Picard:
- U.S.S. Toussaint NCC-87111
From Star Trek Online:
- U.S.S. Concorde NCC-94500 (Command Battlecruiser)
- U.S.S. Edison NCC-95160 (Temporal Warship)
These first releases will be available from Sunday, March 19 through Sunday, April 2, when they’ll be replaced by the second round of model ships — that means, if you want one of the ships included in the current wave of sales, you’ll need to move quickly… because once they sell out or leave the Master Replicas site, they may never be available for direct sale again.
For more, head over to the Master Replicas website to sign up for their mailing list, and to bring home any of the first wave of surplus Official Starships models when they go on sale March 19.
Keep checking back to TrekCore for all the latest in Star Trek merchandise news!