The Star Trek universe may be exploding with content on television these days, but that isn’t the only place stories from the final frontier are being told — as longtime Star Trek comic publisher IDW has not just one or two, but FOUR new tales coming for readers starting this month!
While Season 3 of the animated series continues on Paramount+, Star Trek: Lower Decks begins its first print story this month with as a three-issue miniseries written by Ryan North and drawn by artist Chris Fenoglio.

Here’s the synopsis to Lower Decks #1, in stores now:
Soon after leading her crew on a planetary expedition aimed at building bridges and advancing Federation technology, Captain Freeman begins to suspect that the planet and its people are not all what they seem… Meanwhile, the crew in the lower decks take to the holodeck, enjoying some much-needed recreational time-until a bloodthirsty visitor decides to join in on their games!

Here’s the synopsis to Lower Decks #2, coming in October:
While the crew in the lower decks deal with the repercussions of bringing Dracula aboard the Cerritos, the away team grapples with its own unfortunate miscalculation on the planet Qvanti.

Here’s the synopsis to Lower Decks #3, coming in November:
With the Cerritos under attack and Captain Freeman’s away team accused of violating Starfleet’s most upheld principle, can the crew prove their innocence? Or will they end up one of Dracula’s infamous Draquiri cocktails?
Star Trek: Picard won’t be returning for its third season until next February, but IDW has launched this year’s between-seasons comic tale, as Star Trek: Picard — Stargazer begins its three-issue run here in September.
As with many of the previous tie-in comics connected to the modern Star Trek era, the Stagazer miniseries is written by longtime collaborators Mike Johnson & Picard co-creator Kirsten Beyer, with art by Angel Hernandez.

Here’s the synopsis to Stargazer #1, released in late August:
When the U.S.S. Stargazer goes missing near a planet from his past, Admiral Jean Luc-Picard enlists Seven’s help to unravel the mystery and save the Stargazer crew!

Here’s the synopsis to Stargazer #2, coming in October:
While Picard and Seven seek answers to uncover the mysterious disappearance of the Stargazer crew near Jenjor VI, a bold choice from Picard’s past comes back to haunt him.

Here’s the synopsis to Stargazer #3, coming in late October:
Caught in a deadly crossfire between the Romulans and Remans, Picard and Seven of Nine must draw on their combined Starfleet and Rangers skills to save not only themselves but an entire planet!
Captain Pike’s crew joins the comic adventures this winter in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds — The Illyrian Enigma, a tale set between the show’s first and forthcoming second season.
Like the Stargazer series, this new comic story is also written by Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer, with art by Megan Levens.

Here’s the synopsis for The Illyrian Enigma #1, coming in December:
With Una accused of unlawful genetic modification by Starfleet, Captain Pike sets out in search of evidence that could prove his first officer’s innocence.
Finally, IDW’s next monthly Star Trek series kicks off this October with Star Trek #1, a new ongoing tale centered around Benjamin Sisko — after he’s returned from the Bajoran Wormhole — who must bring together characters from many eras of the Trek saga for his mission.
Written by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly (who helmed the recently-concluded Star Trek: Year Five series) with art by Ramon Rosanas, this new monthly comic — which is the start of a massive new comic-based continuity.

As IDW Publishing’s marketing director Keith Davidson puts it:
It’s the biggest initiative that IDW has ever undertaken for the brand in its now-14 years of Star Trek publication.
Essentially, our new Star Trek series is creating a new ongoing IDW continuity, from which we will build offshoots, spin-offs, and epic events for years to come. Benjamin Sisko takes the helm of the Enterprise, supported by a crew of characters pulled quite literally from throughout Star Trek canon — even from The Original Series! Part of the fun will be seeing how the diverse personalities mesh or clash.
Honestly, we’re hoping to channel with Star Trek what Marvel did when they launched their Star Wars comics a few years back — respecting the canon that came before while building a new universe for fans that’s wholly unique, unexpected, and accessible.
Writer Jackson Lanzing called the new Star Trek monthly “a Deep Space Nine sequel” on social media this week, and in a lengthy new interview with, described the tale as one which fits into a neat year-and-a-half of time which no on-screen Star Trek production has yet touched: the era between Voyager’s return home and the events of Star Trek: Nemesis.

As writer Collin Kelly described it to
They’re giving us a lot of access to all the toys, with the understanding that at the end of it, we will put the toys back in the box. There is about a year and a half here of Star Trek timeline that is untouched, and within this, we can make all sorts of trouble as long as we put the characters that need to be back in the box for Nemesis.
Lanzing also talked about how this new storyline will be canon — until it’s not.
This is as close as we can, on the comic side, to being canon. We will be canon until they un-canonize us. But we are working with the shows. We are in communication with the teams…
We’re taking this as an opportunity to effectively fill [the space formerly occupied by the Trek novel continuity], because a lot of that stuff was created with the understanding there would never be shows again.
[But] now we know that there will be, so we are trying to create new canon that exists inside that space. But these are the characters you know. This is the canonical Benjamin Sisko sequel story. This is the last ride of Data before Nemesis. These are those stories. This is what happened to Tom Paris after he came back from Voyager.

Here’s the official synopsis for Star Trek #1 — coming in October — where Captain Sisko is joined on his mission by first officer Data, medical officer Dr. Beverly Crusher, pilot Tom Paris, and new characters as well.
It’s stardate 2378, and Benjamin Sisko has finally returned from the Bajoran Wormhole omnipotent. But his godhood is failing with every minute. Sent by the Prophets on a mission to the deepest parts of space aboard the U.S.S. Theseus, he witnesses the unthinkable: Someone is killing the gods. And only Sisko and his motley crew of Starfleet members from every era of Trek can stop them.
Here’s the official synopsis for Star Trek #2, coming in November:
Tasked with a mission from the Prophets, Benjamin Sisko enlists the help of an old friend from Qo’noS to track the ship and persons responsible for slaying the gods.
My design of the USS Theseus for the new STAR TREK comic series. I hope you like it.
— Ramon Rosanas (@RamonRosanas) September 8, 2022
Here’s the official synopsis for Star Trek #3, coming in December:
When strange malfunctions begin plaguing the U.S.S. Theseus mid-warp, Benjamin Sisko and his crew must band together to unveil the source behind the mysterious phenomena aboard the ship. But what initially appear as mere technological quagmires and strange happenings become a test that will determine the very fate of the universe.
The world of Star Trek comics continues to expand. Keep checking back to TrekCore for more Star Trek comics news as it breaks!