Factory Entertainment is continuing their strides into the final frontier, as the company has announced their next new Star Trek prop replica — this time, celebrating the debut of Star Trek: The Motion Picture – The Director’s Edition in high definition.
Teased earlier this year, the new Star Trek: The Motion Picture “Ilia Sensor And Command Insignia Limited Edition Prop Replica Set” is now available for preorder from Factory Entertainment, a two-pack release containing both Admiral Kirk’s golden Starfleet insignia, and the light-up sensor unit worn by the Ilia probe in the second half of the firm.
This limited edition prop replica set is packaged in a collectible magnetic closure gift box featuring original poster artwork and contains two iconic items — the Ilia Probe Sensor and Captain Kirk’s Command Insignia.
his replica set was created with valued input and research from the production team of Star Trek: The Motion Picture Directors Edition, using newly restored behind the scenes reference material, allowing our team to faithfully replicate the props as seen in the film.
ADMIRAL KIRK’S COMMAND INSIGNIA — Worn by James T. Kirk to denote his rank of Admiral and Chief of Starfleet Operations at the beginning of the movie, this 1:1 replica insignia is cast from solid metal with a brilliant gold-plated finish and features a magnetic clasp fitting on the back.
ILIA PROBE SENSOR — As part of the Ilia Probe, the sensor’s primary function was a mystery, but it served as a connection between the Ilia Probe and V’ger. This limited edition prop replica incorporates glowing LED’s with a motion activation feature and is supplied with a clear elastic cord that allows the sensor to be conveniently worn as a necklace.
The clear cord is also removable so the replica can also be worn with costume tape or adhesive, just like the original prop. However, unlike the original prop, the electronic features are self contained, using modern micro-components.
Our team got to see the company’s prototype Motion Picture replica set at San Diego Comic Con back in July — including the packaging and Ilia probe wiring — giving fans a good look at what to expect when the final product is released near the end of the year.
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This Motion Picture two-pack is available for preorder today at Factory Entertainment’s website, retailing for $99.99 USD with an anticipated delivery in “Winter 2022/2023.”
Following this Kirk-era replica, the next Star Trek prop replica coming from the company is a Next Generation Season 1-era “dustbuster” Starfleet hand phaser, which Factory Entertainment also previewed at San Diego Comic Con:
Hands-on with @FactoryEnt‘s prototype STAR TREK: TNG Season 1 “dustbuster” phaser replica, slated for release on 2023#SDCC2022 #StarTrek pic.twitter.com/AZoWEAwPqf
— TrekCore.com 🖖 (@TrekCore) July 22, 2022
We’ll bring you more details on that product when the company formally announces preorder availability, expected sometime in the next few months.
Keep checking back to TrekCore for all the latest in Star Trek merchandise news!