Following last summer’s first run of 3.75″ Star Trek: The Next Generation action figures, toy licensee Super7 is expanding their Next Gen lineup with a second wave of character releases — including that evil oil slick Armus!
Super7 first hit the Next Generation scene last August with six action figures — Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Lt. Commander Data, Lt. Worf, Acting Ensign Wesley Crusher, Guinan, and a Borg drone — and the company debuted their second wave of TNG characters today with another half-dozen figures.

Retailing once more at an $18 USD price point, today Super7 added Commander Will Riker, Dr. Beverly Crusher, Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge, Counselor Deanna Troi, Judge Q, and — for the first time in Star Trek action figure history — that evil pool of sentient sludge Armus, who killed Lt. Tasha Yar in “Skin of Evil.”
While WizKids did include a tiny Armus character in their Star Trek Away Team miniatures game, the hilarious addition of Armus to an action figure line is simply too whimsical not to celebrate!
Here’s a gallery of the new Super7 Star Trek: The Next Generation — Wave 2 figures.
To add any of the twelve Super 7 Star Trek: TNG action figures to your own collection, head over to the Super7 website to place your order today.