Back in September, we got our first look at the remastered Star Trek: The Motion Picture – Director’s Edition project, thanks to a sneak preview out of Star Trek Day — and there are a few additional glimpses into the restoration efforts now available from the official website.
Producer David C. Fein, who also participated in the original Director’s Edition restoration for the 2001 DVD release, shared these photos from inside the mixing studio where the team is hard at work bringing the special edition of the film up to modern 4K UHD resolution for next year’s debut.
The brain trust behind the project — Fein, Michael Matessino, and Daren Docterman — examines the entry to V’Ger’s inner chambers on the big screen.

The Ilia probe appears from the Enterprise sonic shower.

A mysterious shot that Fein says is both “unfinished” and “new” from Spock’s spacewalk sequence; the digital sequence may be a new reflective element to apply to the Vulcan’s spacesuit helmet during his EVA.

The underside of the Enterprise primary hull as it prepares to leave Spacedock.

The Motion Picture credits were toned gold in the DVD edition of The Director’s Edition, compared to their white color in the theatrical release; this new edition keeps that golden hue.

In addition to his photos, Fein also shared a video of the ATMOS sound mixing process, with a focus on the musical score around Admiral Kirks’ approach to the Enterprise. You can watch that video at the official Star Trek website.
Fein’s caption: “The ATMOS music mix is breathtaking! Jerry Goldsmith’s original music mixer for the film in 1979, Bruce Botnick, experiences his work on the big screen for the first time! (Including the first look at the 4k reflection shot with Kirk, a fan favorite!)”
The remastered Director’s Edition will debut on Paramount+ in 2022, but we have no doubt it will eventually come to 4K UHD Blu-ray and standard Blu-ray disc formats after the P+ exclusivity window closes.
Currently, only the theatrical edition of Star Trek: The Motion Picture is available on 4K Blu-ray in the new four-film set as well as in a standalone release, which features the remastered presentation on standard 1080p HD Blu-ray.