If you’re a fan of the Star Trek Universe, then real-world science is probably something you also tend to find fascinating — pardon the pun! — and a new video miniseries is launching this month that blends both worlds together.
Helmed by Duke University biology professor — and Star Trek science consultant — Dr. Mohamed Noor, alongside actor Jayne Brook (Discovery’s Admiral Cornwell), have teamed up to create a new YouTube video miniseries where the pair uses episodes of Discovery’s third season to teach real-world science concepts.
Dream unlocked: I've wanted advise a #StarTrek series on science since college, and now honored for the opportunity to do it for #StarTrekDiscovery alongside @drerinmac. Thank you @StarTrek & @michelleparadis! Hope everyone loves season 3- kudos to all writers/ actors/ staff! pic.twitter.com/l7QVINzQFQ
— Mohamed Noor (@mafnoor) October 15, 2020
Expanding Noor’s existing BioTrekkie Explains! YouTube channel, the new show — titled BioTrekkie with the Admiral — will be a weekly series running about 30 minutes per installment, covering biology through the lens of Star Trek: Discovery, along with behind-the-scenes anecdotes from Brook’s time on the show and her acting career.
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MOHAMED NOOR LAUNCH VIDEO MINI-SERIES TO TEACH BIOLOGY CONCEPTSDURHAM, NC, USA- Star Trek science consultant Dr. Mohamed Noor has teamed up with Star Trek actress Jayne Brook (Admiral Katrina Cornwell in ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Seasons 1-2) to launch a new YouTube mini-series that discusses science using Season 3 episodes of ‘Star Trek: Discovery.’
Entitled “BioTrekkie with the Admiral”, videos will be less about explaining scenes in ‘Discovery’ episodes and more about using on-screen depictions as springboards to teach interesting real-world biology. Videos will cover 1-2 ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ episodes at a time, and close with Brook’s insights about acting and production, so Brook and Noor alternate taking on the role of student and teacher of their respective craft.
Each video will be about 30 minutes long, and new videos will launch weekly on Sundays at 8am Pacific starting January 10, 2021, in Noor’s “BioTrekkie Explains” YouTube channel.
The show launches next Sunday, January 10, and will release weekly through the first months of 2021.