This week brings us to the fourth episode of Star Trek: Picard, and we’ve got your next round of new photos from “Absolute Candor” today — which introduces us to the next major cast member in the series, Evan Evagora as young Romulan warrior Elnor, as well as brings longtime Star Trek director Jonathan Frakes being the camera for the first time in this series.
This week, we’ll see how Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) came to know Elnor during the course of his work spearheading the evacuation of Romulan space from the impending supernova disaster, traveling to colony world Vashti on the edge of what was then the Romulan Neutral Zone.
Here are seven new photos from this week’s episode, along with six previously-released images for “Absolute Candor.”
Revealed in the Star Trek: Picard press kit for this opening season, Elnor spent his youth growing up on Vashti under the care of the Qowat Milat, a local sect of all-female Romulan religious scholars.

Of note in the photo gallery is a moment where Soji (Isa Briones) and Narek (Harry Treadaway) share a bottle of Romulan Ale; this blue beverage appears in its traditional tier-topped bottle, seen first all the way back in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
Finally, if you didn’t catch it at the end of “The End is the Beginning,” here’s the preview for this coming week’s episode.
ABSOLUTE CANDOR — The crew’s journey to Freecloud takes a detour when Picard orders a stop at the planet Vashti, where Picard and Raffi relocated Romulan refugees 14 years earlier. Upon arrival, Picard reunites with Elnor (Evan Evagora), a young Romulan he befriended during the relocation. Meanwhile, Narek continues his attempts to learn more about Soji while Narissa’s impatience with his lack of progress grows.
Written by Michael Chabon. Directed by Jonathan Frakes.
Star Trek: Picard returns Thursday, February 13 with “Absolute Candor” on CBS All Access and CTV Sci-Fi Channel, following internationally on Amazon Prime Video on February 14.