Ahead of next weekend’s highly-anticipated Into the Star Trek Universe panel at San Diego Comic Con, CBS today has released the first Star Trek: Picard key artwork to feature the man himself — Sir Patrick Stewart — as the returning Jean-Luc Picard.
The aged former Starfleet officer looks out over his vineyard in this new poster, accompanied by a four-legged friend — a pit bull likely inspired by the actor’s work with fostering the breed — with a hazy planet appearing the orange-tinted sky above the pair.
If you take a close look at the dog’s delta-shaped tag, it seems to read “NO. 1″…

This planet may very well be the former Romulan home world, seen destroyed in the 2009 Star Trek film, an event which series executive producer Alex Kurtzman noted would be a significant influence on Star Trek: Picard earlier this year.
The overall storyline to Star Trek: Picard remains a mystery, aside from a few small clues hinted at in the teaser trailer back in May — but we’re sure to learn a lot more when the cast and crew of the upcoming series hits San Diego Comic Con next Saturday.
Keep checking back to TrekCore for all the latest news on Star Trek: Picard!