We’re just under three days away from the big Enter the Star Trek Universe panel at San Diego Comic Con, where we expect to get our best look yet at the upcoming Star Trek: Picard series — but today the first official photo from production has beamed down, featuring Sir Patrick Stewart himself.
Published in the special San Diego Comic Con issue of Entertainment Weekly, former Starfleet admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Stewart) can be seen walking at his vineyard — with cane in hand — alongside his trusty canine companion, first seen in the series’ poster artwork revealed last week.
Along with the photo, two quotes from the production leadership are presented as well; franchise boss Alex Kurtzman said:
There are many things that haunt Picard, but you will not see a version that betrays the man we loved from ‘Next Generation.’
Series showrunner Michael Chabon also weighed in, praising Stewart:
The quality of Patrick’s acting has gotten even better. He can hold you riveted even when he’s just sitting and listening.

We’ll bring you a better version of this photo as soon as it becomes available, but for now: what do you think about your first look at Jean-Luc Picard? Sound off in the comments below!