The penultimate episode of Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 — “Such Sweet Sorrow” — has just debuted, and we’re sure you’re ready to dive into a discussion about the story!
Here’s your place to take on all the new Trek lore this episode brought us, with no restrictions on spoilers. If you haven’t yet watched the new episode yet, here’s your last warning!
Plus, here’s a good look at our first time aboard the USS Enterprise, with plenty of callbacks to the classic corridor and turbolift designs…

…and of course, our first look at the anticipated bridge of the famous starship, complete with the classic orange-red highlights and circular arrangement. Of note, the Discovery version of this bridge design includes a second turbolift entrance, and a short corridor behind the aft stations.
Here are several new official photos from CBS, along with more screencaps from the episode:
Most of our staff is on holiday this week, so watch for our full review of this week’s episode in the next few days!