New AFTERMATH Comic Miniseries Follows Spock After the STAR TREK: DISCOVERY Season Finale




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New AFTERMATH Comic Miniseries Follows Spock After the STAR TREK: DISCOVERY Season Finale




Spock’s story on Star Trek: Discovery may be over — as far as we know — but that doesn’t mean there isn’t still more story to tell! Announced today from IDW Publishing, a new three-issue Discovery comic series will follow everyone’s favorite Vulcan after the USS Discovery departed the 23rd Century in “Such Sweet Sorrow.”

Star Trek: Discovery — Aftermath will kick off a three-issue run this August, with a central focus on Spock after returning to the Enterprise and moving forward from the disappearance of his sister, Michael Burnham.

Unravel the Mysteries of the Season Two Finale in Star Trek: Discovery – Aftermath

IDW Publishing’s New Comic Book Miniseries
Explores Spock’s Past with Michael Burnham

SAN DIEGO, CA (April 22, 2019) – Following the shocking events of the Season Two finale, the thrills of CBS’s wildly popular Star Trek: Discovery continue in a new three-issue comic book miniseries from IDW Publishing, Star Trek: Discovery – Aftermath!

This riveting new comic book, under license by CBS Consumer Products, reunites co-writers Kirsten Beyer, Mike Johnson, and artist Tony Shasteen (who previously worked together on 2018’s Star Trek: Discovery – The Light of Kahless) for a storyline focused prominently on Spock.

In the aftermath of the 2019 finale, everything in Discovery has changed, and as L’Rell and Pike try to negotiate a fragile peace, Spock finds himself grappling with the fallout from what happened with Michael Burnham – and the mysteries about her still left to unravel.

It may be until 2020 until we know where the Discovery ended up, but for now this miniseries will at least serve to carry on their memories in those left behind. We’ll have much more information on the Star Trek: Discovery — Aftermath saga as August approaches.

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