Ira Behr Sheds More Light on DS9 Doc High-Def Upgrades




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Ira Behr Sheds More Light on DS9 Doc High-Def Upgrades




While fundraiser-backing fans have already gotten a sneak peak at the long-gestating Star Trek: Deep Space Nine documentary, the wide release of What We Left Behind is due in theaters in just two weeks — and today a new clip from the film debuted online, and with it producer Ira Steven Behr shared more details about the breathtaking HD footage that’s included.

Speaking with io9, Behr spoke at length about many of the things followers of the multi-year project are already aware of, including the “Season 8” roundtable discussion with his Deep Space Nine writing partners, sketching out a hypothetical “new” episode of the series.

io9 also debuted a clip from that segment:

But the most interesting part of the long interview is Behr’s comments regarding the newly-remastered high-definition episodic footage which features in the documentary (which looks fantastic, by the way)… noting that he and his team are sitting on a treasure-trove of HD material from the filming of the series, which includes outtakes and other unused material likely never seen outside of the original production team.

The joke is, you know, we have 200 rolls of film, I think, in order to get all the shots we needed. And the reels of film come in these boxes, right? So, if you ask for one reel of film, there’s like 10 reels of film that box. And [CBS] didn’t bother pulling [individual reels] — it’s too much of a production, they just send you the whole box.

So we downloaded everything. We have…I don’t know how many hours, of HD footage of Deep Space Nine. Now, most of it is outtakes that weren’t used, but it’s fantastic and we could sit there for hours and just look at Deep Space Nine in HD. We’d need to add the special effects and blah, blah, blah — but it’s still fantastic.

I wish there was a way to share that. And until there is — I don’t know.

We noted when the first trailer for the documentary arrived earlier this month that a number of shots appear to be both alternate angles on well-known scenes or shots cut from the final edit of episodes — but boy, would we love to dig through the material Behr and his team have uncovered.

While Behr admits that he has “no control” over CBS and any plans the company may or may not have for the series — “I think they’ve been burned on [past] shows, most likely,” he notes, likely referring to the less-than-stellar performance of The Next Generation on Blu-ray — he’s continuing to marvel at the quality of the show once properly remastered.

One of the great moments that I will never forget is coming to an editing bay, and there’s Jonathan West, the DP of the last five seasons of the show. He’s watching as the film has been upgraded, he’s doing color correction. And I walked into that room, and Jonathan is sitting there looking up at a monitor — and literally, his mouth was hanging open like a 10-year-old boy.

Trust me, I’m not over selling this — he was the happiest boy in all of Puppet Land. He was just thrilled to be seeing it, and he said this: “Even back then, I knew how good this show could look.”

And obviously, it did look like that back then, and the DVDs aren’t something to be proud of, but it has looked spectacular, and to see his jaw drop in seeing it…that’s the kind of thing that stays with you.

What We Left Behind hits theaters for one night only on May 13, so if you missed the streaming window you can be sure to catch it there in the USA and in Canada.

For the rest of the world, the documentary team have hopes to expand screenings worldwide, but at present have made no announcements on that front. For wide streaming options, the team is working on that too, as they noted in a recent update emailed to backers:

For those who would not otherwise be able to see the film later on (i.e., not receiving a Blu-Ray/DVD bundle), rest assured that we’re looking into new options to re-release a stream later on through a more user-friendly and less restrictive platform.

We want to make sure everyone who wants to gets the chance to see the film on as big a screen as possible.

As for those awaited Blu-ray / DVD releases of the documentary, further news on those is expected sometime after the theatrical screenings.

We’ll have our full review of the documentary in the days leading up to the May 13 theatrical event, so stay tuned — and if you’ve already seen What We Left Behind, remember… no spoilers!

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