Once again, we’re partnering with our friends at Star Trek Online to celebrate the launch of “Age of Discovery” on Xbox One — the first major Star Trek: Discovery chapter in the STO story — with a new contest!
This contest has ended and all winners have been notified.
Starting today, we’ll be giving away 100 codes (for Xbox One redemption only), each redeemable for an “Age of Discovery” Verdant Tardigrade Pet and Title. The Verdant Tardigrade is a non-combat pet, exclusive to Star Trek Online players on Xbox One.

Once claimed, it can be granted to all characters on a single account and isn’t restricted by faction. Each code for the Xbox One-Exclusive Verdant Tardigrade also grants players the new title of “Spore Engineer.”
Season One of Star Trek: Discovery introduced the multi-dimensional Tardigrades, whose genetic makeup granted access to the mycelial network. In Star Trek Online, Captains can commission these highly evolved beasts to accompany them on ground missions featured in “Age of Discovery” and beyond. These non-combat pets are not available for purchase in the game.

To enter the contest, just email us your name by December 4 — and on December 5, we’ll pick 100 names to win an “Age of Discovery” Verdant Tardigrade Pet and Title. All winners will be emailed the in-game code and instructions how to add the ship to your Star Trek Online account.
Good luck to all!