2013’s Star Trek Stellar Cartography map book brought a great series of futuristic star charts covering vast swaths of the Alpha Quadrant — and in a new update coming later this fall, Larry Nemecek’s astronomy guide comes back to print with expanded and revised details tying into Star Trek: Discovery.
The 2018 edition of Stellar Cartography brings the same ten 24″ x 36″ maps found in the original release of the publication, but while the base artwork remains the same, the galactic locations have been significantly revised to bring in more space-bound landmarks.
Notable updates include several dozen additions from the classic Star Trek series and The Animated Series, and all the new locations seen and mentioned in the first season of Star Trek: Discovery (save for Saru’s homeworld, which is being preserved for an on-screen reveal).
A full listing of all Trek starbases — including those from Discovery — have been added to the map content, along with a newly-created location key making it easier to find Trek locations across the printed maps.
Lastly, since these maps were headed back to print anyway, Nemecek worked to correct typos and textual errors which had been identified in the first edition of Stellar Cartography — including a full re-translation of all Klingon-language content in to corrected tlhIngan Hol with the help of Discovery Klingon translator Lieven Litaer.

The newest edition of Star Trek Stellar Cartography, coming October 9, can be identified by noting the pink nebula on the cover of the hardcover map case – and is available for preorder through our links above.