DISCOVERY Phaser Rifle Featured at ANOVOS SDCC Booth




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DISCOVERY Phaser Rifle Featured at ANOVOS SDCC Booth




Back in June, ANOVOS revealed that in addition to their Discovery phaser replica released at the end of 2017, they’d also be tackling the phaser rifle from the new series — and last night, the company showed their prototypes off for the first time at San Diego Comic Con.

Thanks to Instagram user Michael Yun (images used here with permission), we have our first hands-on look at the upcoming prop replica, which features not only internal lighting, but also an integrated small display screen to mimic the look of the rifle as seen on the Discovery television series.

The rifle and phaser display was set up to mimic the look of the Discovery simulator weapons rack, as see in “Lethe.”

The initial preorder offering for the ANOVOS rifle has sold out, with each replica weapon priced at $1,500 per unit. If the company makes the prop replica available again, you can find it here at the ANOVOS web shop.

Keep watching TrekCore for all the latest Star Trek news from San Diego!

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