Modiphius Entertainment’s Star Trek Adventures tabletop game is expanding this year, with a a series of new supplemental rulebooks to send players down new paths of Trek action!
Star Trek Adventures kicked off in 2017 with a core rulebook, but 2018 brings new expansion supplements to allow players to branch off into new areas of character action –starting with the new Star Trek Adventures: Beta Quadrant Sourcebook, which extends the game to the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire, and adds several familiar Trek alien species to the mix… and features newly-created starbase schematics by Rick Sternbach.
You judge yourselves against the pitiful adversaries you’ve encountered so far: the Romulans, the Klingons…they’re nothing compared to what’s waiting. The Beta Quadrant sourcebook provides Game Masters and Players with a wealth of source material about the Galaxy of Star Trek.
The Beta Quadrant sourcebook provides Gamemasters and Players with a wealth of source material about the Galaxy of Star Trek. Focused on the Beta Quadrant, this 128 page hardback sourcebook contains:
– Information on the Federation’s presence in the Beta Quadrant, including the homeworlds of Andoria, Earth, and Vulcan.
– Material about the Klingon Empire and its history, including information on its core words of Qo’noS, Boreth, Khitomer, and Rura Penthe.
– Information from the Romulan Star Empire on their history and politics, and information about their worlds Romulus and Remus.
– A host of new Federation species to choose from during character creation, including Benzite, Bolians, Efrosians, and Klingons.
– A selection of alien starships, from the Klingon Empire, Romulan Star Empire, Gorn Hegemony, Orion Syndicate, and civilian craft.
– Guidance for the Gamemaster on running missions and continuing voyages in the Beta Quadrant, with a selection of new Non-Player Characters to enhance encounters.
The Beta Quadrant Sourcebook is available now for $33.99 (£24.99 GPB).
Also joining the party are a series of Starfleet division-specific supplement books — centered on the Command, Engineering, and Medical tracks — starting with the just-released Star Trek Adventures: Command Division Supplement.
When you command a starship, you make a hundred decisions a day—hundreds of lives are staked on you making every one of them right. The Command Division supplement provides Game Masters and Players with a wealth of new material for use in Star Trek Adventures for characters in the command division.
The Command Division supplement provides Gamemasters and Players with a wealth of new material for use in Star Trek Adventures for characters in the command division. The Command Division supplement includes:
– Detailed description of the command division, including its role in Starfleet, the various branches within the command division, the role of Fleet Operations, life as a command division cadet, and details on starship operations.
– Expanded 2d20 Social Conflict rules, enhancing social encounters and galactic diplomacy.
– An expanded list of Talents and Focuses for command and conn characters.
– Over a dozen additional starships and support craft to command and pilot, including the NX, Nebula, Sovereign, and Steamrunner classes, as well as many shuttle types and the indomitable Work Bee!
– Advice on creating command division focused plot components for your missions to test the mettle of your captain and flight controller.
– New rules on running Admiralty-level campaigns that let you command entire fleets, as well as information on commanding starbases.
– Detailed descriptions and game statistics for a range of Command and Conn focused NPCs and Supporting Characters.
The Command Division Supplement is also available now for $33.99 (£24.99 GPB).
Just announced this week is the second division expansion, the Star Trek Adventures: The Operations Division, centering around Engineering, Security, and even Starfleet Intelligence and the secretive Section 31.
Here’s the full announcement and cover art — the second part of a three-piece design set to span all three division books:
Star Trek Adventures: The Operations Division
Join Starfleet’s miracle workers or its steadfast defenders with the Operations Division supplemental rulebook for Star Trek Adventures, this November.
Leading the writing team is Chris McCarver (Marvel Cinematic Universe Guidebook) alongside Andrew Peregrine (Dr. Who: Adventures in Time and Space, Firefly Roleplaying Game), Jack Geiger (Scarred Lands, A Song of Ice and Fire RPG), John Snead (Blue Rose, Eclipse Phase, Mindjammer), and Sam Webb (Star Trek Adventures).
Players can expect new choices for their security officers and engineers, as well as detailed background information on the Starfleet Corps of Engineers, Starfleet Intelligence, and even the elusive Section 31. The supplemental rulebook also expands the equipment available to Starfleet personnel, with new rules on their inclusion in the game.
The Gamemaster also has their choice of new resources for running operations-focused missions, and a new selection of named NPCs, and engineering and security archetypes including Luther Sloan, Leah Brahms, and MACO soldiers.
Miniatures fans will be in for a treat, with the Red Alert rules for miniatures combat using a streamlined version of the 2d20 system, developed by prolific wargame designer Mark Latham and Sam Webb, line developer for Star Trek Adventures.
The Operations-centric supplement will also be priced at $33.99 (£24.99 GPB) when it goes up for preorder at Modiphius’ webstore in September — with plans for release in November.
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In addition to these three supplement books, Modiphius has set the third division rulebook — covering the Medical and Sciences specialties — for debut in January 2019, with three more quadrant-specific sourcebooks to follow later next year.
These will introduce more species from the known Alpha Quadrant, the Dominion and other Gamma Quadrant influences, and the many alien races encountered by the USS Voyager crew in the Delta Quadrant.

Representatives from Modiphius were on hand an last weekend’s Shore Leave Convention in Maryland, where it was also announced that — while the game is playable in any era of the Star Trek franchise — the company is working to design Original Series-themed editions of its core rulebooks to feature 23rd Century graphics.
They also revealed that the team is planning to follow 2017’s massive Star Trek Adventures Borg Cube collector’s set with a more travel-friendly Original Series tricorder travel case, complete with shoulder strap, to help gamemasters get around with their STA gear more easily.
Have you been playing Star Trek Adventures? Share your thoughts on the game, and the news of its new expansions, in the comments below!