Header image courtesy of Floyd Lu.
The annual Licensing Expo trade show kicked off in Las Vegas today, and like in previous years, Star Trek merchandise licensor CBS Consumer Products has a massive display booth for potential and existing licensees to meet with the company to plan the next year of Trek products.
While they are also responsible for licensing products for Twin Peaks, The Twilight Zone, and other such properties, CBS Consumer Products’ big hitter of course is Star Trek, and now that Discovery is known to the world, the company made the series their main driver for the 2018 show.
On display was plenty of Star Trek: Discovery artwork, including Sonequa Martin-Green’s Michael Burnham at the forefront of the overhead display (seen above), along with large posters of the series’ crew throughout the booth.

In addition, the entire Season 1 cast of Discovery got a spotlight display in the entryway to the CBS both, in the form of a large backlit graphic poster — making sure that if the giant series logo hanging from the ceiling wasn’t a giveaway, visitors were entering Discovery country (with a guest appearance from the Deep Space Nine cast).

Besides the fanciful artwork, CBS of course had a great deal of Discovery merchandise on display — both large and small — for potential vendors to see the vast array of products already being released for the series.
In the rear of the booth, a series of display cases hold a mix of Discovery props (as seen previously at San Diego Comic Con and STLV in 2017), as well as some current merchandise already on the market (including novels, pins, phone cases, shirts, and Eaglemoss’ Discovery and Shenzhou models).

Also of interest are two products that haven’t been seen “in person” before this week’s show — and one that we’ve not seen at all, making it’s debut at the Las Vegas expo.
First is the 1oz silver Star Trek: Discovery coin, featuring Michael Burnham on the front in full color, and an engraved USS Discovery on the back. If you’re a collector, the Perth Mint manufactures and sells this coin at approximately $160 each.

Brand new to us, however, is this wild Commander Saru bust on display in one of the rear cases, which looks to be about 7″-8″ tall. It’s been reported to us to be from Gentle Giant Ltd., a licensee who first made a splash in Trek at Comic Con last year, with their 3D-printed Klingon Torchbearer display.
We don’t have any information on this product yet, but we’ve reached out to Gentle Giant and will update you when more specifics on sizing, pricing, and release may be available.

In addition to all the smaller Discovery merch on display, CBS also had the giant $9,000 USS Discovery model from Anovos on display in the center of the booth, which first made a public appearance back on a February episode of After Trek.
The first season of Discovery might be over, but with the push seen here it’s clear that CBS is only in their first wave of Discovery tie-in merchandise — with much more likely to follow as the series continues into its second year.
Keep checking back to TrekCore for the latest in Star Trek product news!