It’s been several months since the last update on What We Left Behind – the in-production documentary feature focused on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – and since the production team presented to a packed house at the 2017 Las Vegas convention in August, there have been a lot of inquiries just wondering when this film will arrive.
This weekend, the DS9 documentary team released an update to backers of their IndieGogo fundraiser campaign in response to that question, along with news that the film’s director, Adam Nimoy, was no longer leading the project.

First up, while the team is “deep in the editing process” now, they addressed how the addition of new interviews and expanded filming has altered the planned early-2018 release timetable.
While we wish we could be more definitive, at this time the film is very much still under construction, and release dates are still undetermined until the editing process is closer to being completed.
Our original estimates for the premieres and film release was roughly February, 2018 — this was long BEFORE the Indiegogo campaign exceeded all expectations, and the scope of the project grew. As such, our filming and editing schedule has expanded to include a number of new and exciting creative ideas.
While we still are aiming to have the film done in early 2018, it is likely these release timeframes will shift back (slightly) to accommodate. Please know that we have not forgotten you and will let you know the moment we have anything to announce.
Our team is committed to giving backers ample heads up (a couple of months) and will loop all eligible backers in on date options for the premieres as we begin to lock them in early next year.
In the meantime, we are far along into the editing process of the film — expect a video vault update coming soon from our editing team! — but that hasn’t stopped us from continuing to film additional material and events as they come up!
In addition, they teased an upcoming feature in Variety set to debut in the new year, a reunion of many of the Deep Space Nine cast and crew for special coverage of the series’ 25th Anniversary this January.
We were excited to gather a large group of the DS9 cast & crew recently for a photo shoot with Variety Magazine. Of course, our cameras were there to capture the reunion and this special celebration of DS9’s upcoming 25th Anniversary.
While we’ve promised Variety that we would save the full details until the article’s release in 2018, that doesn’t stop us from giving you a little sneak peak of some of the cast’s own behind-the-scenes photos from the day.
We’ll be watching for Variety‘s special coverage in early 2018 and will certainly bring you that as it arrives!

In addition to the above updates, the What We Left Behind team also announced that director Adam Nimoy, who joined the production in early 2017, will no longer serve in a leadership capacity in the documentary due to other commitments.
Recently, Director Adam Nimoy asked to step down from helming this project in order to focus on personal commitments and other creative endeavors. The Deep Space Nine documentary is continuing to move forward and we are grateful for Adam’s guidance and creative input on the film this past year.
The real creative force behind the DS9 documentary was well in place before I came along.
I was happy to lend them support and guidance to push the project along so that it could be completed in time for the 25th anniversary of the show which is coming up in 2018.
I wish the creative team all good things as they Boldly Go! – Adam Nimoy
While Adam will remain a producer and advisor on the project, 455 Films’ David Zappone and DS9’s Executive Producer Ira Steven Behr will step in and assume day to day directorial responsibilities as we push towards the completion of the film.
Zappone has been a longtime executive producer in the recent string of Star Trek documentaries including The Captains, Chaos on the Bridge, and For the Love of Spock, and Behr has been working to put this documentary project together for some time prior to 2017.
Keep coming back to TrekCore for more on this project as we head into 2018!