We’re just over eight days away from the first Star Trek premiere in sixteen years, when Discovery takes flight on CBS next Sunday evening, before the show makes its warp to CBS All Access here in the United States.
With our proximity to the premiere shrinking with each passing day, we’ve now reached the point where television listings – including TV Guide – have now been updated to reflect the Star Trek: Discovery premiere episode, including the title and synopsis of the series’ pilot hour.
EPISODE 1.01: “The Vulcan Hello”
While the crew members aboard the USS Shenzhou patrol through the far reaches of Federation space, they encounter a certain object of indeterminate origins, which presents a considerable challenge for the ship’s first officer.
As we know, the series’ central character Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) was raised on Vulcan in the logical lifestyle of that planet’s inhabitants, and a great deal of the Discovery promotional material – dating back to the first poster released for the show – has centered around her upbringing.
The classic Vulcan hand salute, famously created by Leonard Nimoy based upon his Jewish upbringing, has been a centerpiece of Burnham imagery since Martin-Green was announced in the role back in April, and the character now has been shown making the salute herself in a recent Netflix video promotion.
In addition, Burnham’s specialty as a xenoanthroplogist – an alien culture and first contact expert – makes some form of “hello” especially appropriate for the Starfleet officer’s debut.
While we’re still working to determine our episode spoilers policy for TrekCore comments, we’ve decided that Discovery episode titles will NOT be considered spoilers in our reporting.
“The Vulcan Hello,” directed by David Semel and written by Bryan Fuller, Alex Kurtzman, and Akiva Goldsman, will premiere on CBS television on Sunday, September 24 at 8:30PM ET, followed by the immediate release of the name-yet-unknown second episode of Star Trek: Discovery on CBS All Access that evening – with subsequent releases each Sunday.
In Canada, the two hours will air together on Space Channel at 8:30PM ET, with subsequent releases each Sunday as well.
Internationally, Discovery premieres on Netflix starting September 25 and each episode past the premiere weekend will be available within a day of the US release.

In addition, here’s a new promotional image from Netflix, featuring Michael Burnham staring up at the USS Discovery from within her thruster suit.