News Roundup: Nimoy Doc Set to Debut; Stewart Supports Medical Marijuana; Trek Roller Coaster Nearly Ready & More


We’ve got a couple of things to catch you up on this week, as another Nimoy documentary nears public release, a new Trek science book has been announced for this fall, and a new Trek-themed attraction is almost ready to open its doors.

Julie Nimoy’s documentary about her father’s struggle with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – Remembering Leonard Nimoy: His Life, Legacy, and Battle with COPD – will debut next month at the Newport Beach Film Festival in southern California.

The film’s debut plans were announced on its official Facebook page this week; the festival runs from April 20 through April 27.

Star Trek Beyond actor Chris Pine – the Kelvin Timeline’s version of James T. Kirk – will be hosting the May 6 edition of Saturday Night Live, the classic live comedy sketch show on NBC. Pine is starring in June’s Wonder Woman as World War I-era American soldier Steve Trevor, and will be spending the night at 30 Rockerfeller Plaza to promote the film.

This will be Pine’s first time hosting SNL, but he and Trek co-star Zachary Quinto – along with Leonard Nimoy – stopped by the studio in 2009 to defend their first film to long-time Trek fans.

In support of a new Oxford University study on medical marijuana usage, Captain Picard actor Patrick Stewart has revealed that he’s been using ointments, edibiles, and sprays made from the substance to combat debilitating arthritis pain.

In a statement released to media, Stewart commented on how the usage of these products has improved his condition.

Two years ago, in Los Angeles, I was examined by a doctor and given a note which gave me legal permission to purchase, from a registered outlet, cannabis-based products, which I was advised might help the ortho-arthritis in both my hands.

I purchased an ointment, spray and edibles… [which have] have significantly reduced the stiffness and pain in my hands. I have had no negative side effects from this treatment… [and] I believe this programme of research might result in benefits for people like myself as well as millions of others.

The actor’s admission comes as an effort to legalize the use of medical marijuana in the UK.

Coming in October, new non-fiction book Treknology: The Science of Star Trek from Tricorders to Warp Drive takes a look at twenty-five inventions from the Star Trek universe, and how today’s real-life scientific advances are bringing us closer to the world of the Federation.

From scientist Ethan Siegel, PhD, this hardcover book “is packed with 150 superb film and television stills, prop photography, and scientific diagrams,” and will give readers “a detailed look at the inner workings of Star Trek’s computing capabilities, communications equipment, medical devices, and awe-inspiring ships.”

You can preorder Treknology now from Amazon ahead of its October release.

First announced back in September, Movie Park Germany’s Operation Enterprise – a unique Star Trek-themed roller coaster – is nearing completion at that European theme park for opening later this year.

Starfleet’s enemy the Borg have the U.S.S. Enterprise-D locked in their tractor beam. The ship and its crew have been captured. The bridge of the Enterprise is deserted. The only hope of rescue is to send Starfleet cadets on a bold rescue mission – and this isn’t going to be easy.

The Borg ship’s deflector shields will have to be breached so that its main systems can be destroyed. It’s the only way to save the crew of the Enterprise.

In addition to a number of behind the scenes photos of the construction process and themed coaster seating, MPG has also released a number of video clips (see above) documenting the development of the Trek ride – and you can see them all over at the park’s official Operation Enterprise website.