Ira Behr’s DEEP SPACE NINE Documentary Launches Crowdfunding Campaign


FEB. 10 UPDATE: The “What We Left Behind” campaign has hit its original $150,000 goal in less than 48 hours – and has now published expanded “stretch” goals at the $250k, $350k, $425k, and $500k levels to expand the production and scope of the documentary project.

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If you know our us, we don’t typically cover fundraiser campaigns – but with Star Trek: Deep Space Nine showrunner Ira Behr’s previously-announced documentary on the acclaimed series, we’re excited to see what the team is putting together and wanted to spread the word!

First announced back in August, “What We Left Behind” has now launched a crowdfunding campaign to help with both post-production costs and licensing fees required to allow Deep Space Nine photo and video content to be included in the documentary project, similar to 455 Films’ previous Trek-related documentary, the Leonard Nimoy biopic For the Love of Spock.


From the Indiegogo campaign page:

Our documentary film, What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, will take a detailed look at this historic series and consider the reasons Deep Space Nine went from a family outcast to a Star Trek mainstay. The film will also contain a “what if” segment in which the original writers brainstorm a theoretical 8th season of the show.

Spearheaded by original show-runner Ira Steven Behr, directed by Adam Nimoy (For the Love of Spock), and with a handful of key interviews already ‘in the bag,’ the #DS9Doc now needs YOUR HELP to reach completion by finishing filming, editing, and post-production.

As an independent film team without the same resources of a large movie studio, we are counting on the support of fellow DS9 fans to take part and show their interest by helping to complete and release the film, and receiving valuable perks and rewards in return.

Filmmaking is an expensive venture, and while many of our team members and cast have already generously offered much of their own time (and money!) into the filming of the documentary, the post-production phase is a lengthy and technical process involving many aspects which we simply don’t have the ability to fund without outside help.

Our goal of (just under) $150,000 is the minimum we’ve calculated necessary to complete post-production, license all necessary music and footage, and release a high-caliber film. However, further funding will allow us to do more and release more exclusive rewards just for you, the backers (keep an eye out for our STRETCH GOALS, coming soon!).

The initial fundraising goal is just under $150,000 USD, and there are a variety of reward packages available to donors, based on contribution amounts, including special screenings, Blu-ray and DVD copies of the documentary, and other items.

Based on the Indigogo campaign page, What We Left Behind appears to be targeted for release in early 2018. As more information becomes available, we’ll continue to update you here on this exciting Deep Space Nine retrospective project!