STAR TREK: DISCOVERY Launches January 2017

Plus: Fuller confirms the show will be set in the Prime Trek timeline!




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STAR TREK: DISCOVERY Launches January 2017




After eight months of furious speculation, the first official information about 2017’s upcoming Star Trek revival on CBS All Access has been revealed at San Diego Comic Con, with help from Trek vets Brent Spiner, Jeri Ryan, William Shatner, Michael Dorn, and Scott Bakula – and hosted by new showrunner Bryan Fuller.

First up, of course: the title! Forget STAR TREK 2017, next year’s new show is titled STAR TREK: DISCOVERY featuring a brand-new starship (registry number NCC-1031).

Fuller reiterated that the show (which we’ll be abbreviating DSC) would not be episodic in nature, but would be structured “like a novel,” telling stories “chapter by chapter” across episodes.

In addition to the new title and logo graphic, CBS has released this new teaser video from the new show, featuring the new starship leaving an asteroid base.

The new USS Discovery shares a remarkable resemblance with early concept art for the rejected, pre-Star Trek: The Motion Picture adventure Planet of the Titans – but there was no confirmed word either way if the new show will take place in either the Prime or Kelvin Timelines.

UPDATE: Bryan Fuller has confirmed at the after-panel press conference that Discovery will be set in the Prime Trek timeline, but will not yet confirm the timeframe.

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