STAR TREK BEYOND stars Karl Urban, Chris Pine, and Simon Pegg got to help debut their new film at the White House this afternoon to a group of veterans and active service members – with the help of First Lady Michelle Obama.
The presentation was part of the White House’s Joining Forces initiative, started by Obama and Dr. Jill Biden in 2011, which works “hand in hand with the public and private sectors to ensure that service members, veterans, and their families have the tools they need to succeed throughout their lives.”

After the actors geeked out a bit about being at the White House, they spoke about their involvement (via Trek) with the armed forces and families of veterans and active duty military, they introduced Michelle Obama who spoke for a few minutes to the audience.
Having you [veterans] here for this movie – which is cool, because it’s not out yet, right? Nobody else is seeing this – this is really a special thing. So you have to commit to not sharing the plotline! You can’t give anything away, okay? But you should lord it over your friends and family.
But this is just a small but hopefully special way that we can show you how much we here at the White House and how many people, including all of the creators and the stars of “Star Trek,” how cool they think you all are. And this isn’t just here – this is everywhere around the country and, quite frankly, around the world.
We can’t say it lough enough, but hopefully a cool movie in the White House is a good beginning.
Jokingly, the First Lady left the event flashing a pair of Vulcan salutes, and wished the audience well by proclaiming, “May the Force be with you!”