STAR TREK Movie Steelbooks Arrive in July for UK, Europe




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STAR TREK Movie Steelbooks Arrive in July for UK, Europe




We’re only a few weeks away from the debut of the first Blu-ray release of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan – Director’s Cut, the first new “original” Trek film release in years.

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But while we wait, check out this artwork for ten new Steelbook releases of the prime-universe Trek films, which debut in the UK and Europe this July – another re-issue of the 2009 Blu-ray discs, in fancy metal packaging.

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These fiftieth anniversary editions also feature a spine-spanning presentation of the TREK 50 logo, so it’s certainly going to look odd if you don’t purchase all ten.

These are the first Steelbooks for nine of these films; Best Buy in the United States released one for The Wrath of Khan in May 2015. This collection does not feature the new Director’s Cut of that film.

While these Steelbooks are available through several sources in the UK and Europe, we’d appreciate it if you’d order through these Amazon UK links, and help out TrekCore in the process!


We are still waiting to hear about local availability in the United States, and we’ll be sure to let everyone know if and when an American retailer picks these up.

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