After a long night out in Los Angeles all leading up to the debut of the new STAR TREK BEYOND trailer, we’ve gotten some sleep and are back in the game, ready to dig into the fresh preview of July’s adventure – with as much information as we can throw at you!
The Enterprise docks at Starbase Yorktown.Kirk meets with Yorktown’s commanding officer.A spy photo of this scene, from filming in Dubai.Uhura and Spock relax on base.A production photo from filming in Dubai.
The ship and crew then head out on their mission.
The Enterprise undocks from Yorktown……and zooms away from the Starbase in an extreme close-up of the primary hull.The free-floating base is left behind.
After leaving Yorktown, the Enterprise warps towards its destination, causing a massive subspace distortion.
In transit, Kirk and McCoy share a meaningful conversation about the captain’s father; and Jim tours his command.
A doctor and a bartender.Kirk ponders McCoy’s words.Wandering the halls.On the bridge.
The Enterprise finally reaches the planet in question… but find trouble waiting for them.
Entering standard orbit.Kirk sees the Swarm headed their way.Target: secondary hull.The deflector assembly gets shredded.
As the Swarm vessels breach the Enterprise hull, the raiders begin boarding the ship.
Uhura gives Kirk the bad news.The Swarm soldiers invade, weapons blasting.Uhura takes on a raider herself……while McCoy scans for survivors.
Things don’t go so well, so Kirk orders the crew to abandon ship.
Kirk makes the announcement.Chekov finds an open escape pod.Sulu in flight, not liking what he sees.
Escape pods launch from the Enterprise, but the Swarm doesn’t ignore them.
Popping the hatch……pod away……headed for safety.A Swarm vessel collides with this escape pod……and drags it towards the planet below.
As the crew flees, the Enterprise saucer barrels through the atmosphere.
Headed down……and falling fast.
Once on the surface, the crew is split up into various pairs. Kirk and Chekov find each other, and re-board the downed saucer, escaping Swarm soldier fire by breaking through the main viewscreen.
Chekov and Kirk crash through the viewscreen; the bridge somehow still has power.Sliding down the hull.Kirk fires back as they descend.
Uhura is part of the group taken prisoner by the Swarm soldiers, and finds her way underground.
The crew is marched into captivity.Uhura takes off on her own……and finds the underground facility where her shipmates are being taken.
Uhura also gets face to face with Krall, the alien enemy leader played by Idris Elba, who seems to be studying Captain Kirk.
Standing her ground.Krall gets up close and personal.Krall reads up on Jim Kirk.
McCoy and Spock are paired up, separated from the crew.
Pondering the logic of fear……and the motivation it provides for survival.
Eventually, the senior staff – along with the alien Jaylah, played by Sofia Boutella – rendezvous at the downed USS Franklin, first introduced via concept art back in January.
Jaylah describes Krall’s cruelty.Scotty suggests she leave the captain’s chair to Kirk.McCoy ponders their situation.
It seems that a plan is hatched, and the team splits up to go rescue the crew.
McCoy and an injured Spock head to the quarry, weapons drawn.Jaylah heads for Krall’s hideout.Kirk takes fire while heading to catch up with Jaylah……but wait, what’s this?It’s just a hologram, set to distract the soldiers……while the REAL Kirk rides on by.
While they take care of business, the other members of the team managed to get the Franklin back in flying condition – and they rocket out of the atmosphere.
Sulu steps on the gas.The Franklin blasts through the treetops……and heads for the skies.Jaylah’s strapped in as the sunlight gets brighter.The vessel makes its way back through the dangerous Swarm.The Franklin arrives back at Starbase Yorktown.The Yorktown design was spotted on uniforms and wall art back in Dubai.McCoy sees the Swarm approaching the base.
Back at Yorktown, the Swarm invades the city.
The local populace runs for cover.
Kirk aims his weapon.
Something goes wonky with the base’s gravity systems, soon after, because we’ve got officers not only on the sides of buildings, but they they’re flying through the air untethered.
On the side of a tall building.Whoops.Kirk – now injured – flails weightlessly, trying to reach a control panel.Spock’s on his laptop, trying to [TECH] the problem away.The day is saved, and the cast is ready for their next adventure.
Looking ahead.A production photo from filming in Dubai – note the rest of the cast is present.
Phew! We hope you stuck with us through all of those images – but now it’s your turn to tell us what you think! Sound off in the comments below!