Photos From a 2017 STAR TREK Promo?

UPDATE: Nope, they're not from TREK 2017. Sorry about that.




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Photos From a 2017 STAR TREK Promo?




We’re ten months away from the launch of the 2017 Star Trek show on CBS All Access, but a first batch of preliminary photos have already leaked out from the production floor as CBS beings to lay the groundwork for the upcoming series.


TrekCore has now confirmed with CBS that these leaked photos (featured below, and on many other sites over the past week, ostensibly from a CBS lighting technician) are in fact, not from the upcoming “Star Trek” production, but from another unrelated project. 

Our apologies for featuring these incorrect images.

Taken by an on-set lighting technician at CBS Television City in Los Angeles whom we spoke to today, these photos emerged from the studio’s Stage 33:

green1 green2

Before anyone jumps to conclusions, these pre-production photos are from a promotional shoot for the new series, not for the series itself.

Shot over the course of eight long hours on Tuesday, we confirmed, the spacesuit-clad stand-in spent a lot of time in front of a rocky, barren landscape (in reality, the greenscreen wall shown above), testing out different looks for the promo spot.

This is not a confirmation that the 2017 series is actually going to be shooting principle photography in Los Angeles — another question we’re waiting to have answered — but it’s nice to see some forward motion from the production team.


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