After months of anticipation, we finally got our first look at director Justin Lin’s STAR TREK BEYOND this morning, after leaked version of the German-language trailer made its way online this weekend.
Now that we’ve got a good look at the trailer, let’s break it down!
Starting off with the familiar faces of the Enterprise crew — though these shots are pretty clearly culled together from different points in the film — the Beastie Boys’ “Sabotage”, last heard in the opening moments of the 2009 Star Trek film, rocks us into the world of STAR TREK BEYOND.
Scotty taking inventory of the crew’s tech?Note Scotty in the background behind Kirk in this image.Sulu at the helm, with seatbelt on.Chekov is tucked away in the other room to the left.Note Spock’s flight jacket; the shoulder patch reads USS FRANKLIN.Uhura watching the team.We’re immediately tossed into at overwhelming attack on the Enterprise.The port nacelle is blown clean off of the Enterprise.Bye bye, warp drive.A massive swarm severs the Enterprise saucer section from the drive section below.A swarm of alien craft bombard the Enterprise, seemingly designed to penetrate a starship’s outer hull like Cullah’s Kazon shuttlecraft.Breaching the hull.One alien soldier fights a goldshirt — Kirk, pre-crash — on the Enterprise.
As the crew abandons the Enterprise, we see Kirk launch an escape pod right from the bridge, later watching the detached saucer section fall to the planet below.
About to give the abandon-ship order. That’s one high collar.You can stop asking why there’s only one turbolift: the bridge has its own escape pods.Kirk leaves the ship in gold.The primary hull descends through the atmosphere.And it seems that the saucer mostly survives the descent, as Kirk approaches the wreckage with the help of a mysterious alien……who seems to be part of the Enterprise crew as she arrives in a Starfleet escape pod.Could this alien woman be Lydia Wilson?Meanwhile Kirk and Chekov explore the interior of the downed vessel.Hard to have a rip in the hull like that while still in orbit.The wreckage also gives us our first look at these “swarm soldiers”.Oh look, it’s G’Kar, back from “Beyond” the rim! (get it?)The few escape pods that make it to the surface seem spread out in the wilderness: Chekov lands in the Squamish forest area……while Scotty donned an oxygen mask while strapping himself into a photon torpedo casing, only to end up teetering on the edge of a cliff.This torpedo design was last seen holding some frozen dude.
Sofia Boutella’s alien warrior gets to show off her skills:
Scotty connects some cables — to perhaps blow the stardrive section?Chekov and Kirk get blasted through the air at Kent Hangar Field.
Most of the Enterprise crew, however, seem to have gone down with the ship as Sulu and Uhura are among the Starfleet refugees being herded together by the alien soldiers at the quarry.
The march of the saucer survivors.Keenser’s separated from Scotty — hope the little guy can take care of himself.Uhura and Sulu watch as the soldiers start something cruel……and they’re powerless to stop it.
Meanwhile, Sofia Boutella shows Simon Pegg something mysterious:
Lastly, as Sofia Boutella fights off one of the soldiers…
Dom launches himself into the air via car crash, narrowly saving Letty from sudden death.
Wait. That’s not right.
Just kidding!
Kirk launches himself into the air via motorbike (also last seen in Trek ’09), and the pair beam away together.
Maybe he bought a new motorbike to replace his one from Iowa?Space Motocross: the ultimate evolution of the wheeled arts.
While we don’t yet have a fully picture of the STAR TREK BEYOND storyline, this trailer gives us the first ideas of where the film will take us — but one interesting note here is that even though they were jettisoned from the writing team, it seems that Roberto Orci, JD Payne, and Patrick McKay are still receiving some kind of writing credit on the film.
We want to know what you think: sound off in the comments below!
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