Quinto Shows Off STAR TREK BEYOND Wig Rack




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Quinto Shows Off STAR TREK BEYOND Wig Rack




Zachary Quinto is continuing to share Vulcan-based selfies on Instagram, and today he revealed a look at the STAR TREK BEYOND hair-and-makeup trailer — where we first saw Zoe Saldana this time around — and a whole host of heavenly hairpieces used in the film.


This image is not just a neat peak at how the actors get into character — it’s also full of first hits towards the look of the BEYOND cast as they’ll be seen on screen.

Perhaps the most satisfying part of the photo is that long, white ponytail hair extension seen on the top rack, something we told you about last week.


Let’s take a closer look at what we may have here. Remember, all the actors likely also have stunt doubles which may need wigs to resemble the cast.

1. Obviously human, perhaps a hairpiece to double Simon Pegg?
2. Dark hair, and a wide and high forehead. Maybe a Klingon?
3. Vulcan – or Romulan? – helmet hair.
4. Our white ponytail, expected to be for Sofia Boutella.
5. A mysterious long-haired piece, possibly to double Zoe Saldana.
6. Long and wispy hair, reminiscent of Leonard Nimoy’s Kolinahr look.
7. Another human wig, vaguely Chris Pine-y.

Soufia Boutella was spotted out in the wild around Vancouver earlier this week, with a full head of hair. That white ponytail is all alone on that wig head — pure speculation here; perhaps she wears a bald cap to hide her long, dark locks?

We’d love to hear your thoughts on the wigs seen above. Sound off in the comments below!


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