Back in 2013, we featured several exclusive cuts of deleted footage from episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation – TrekCore’s features even inspired the research team at CBS to include high definition restorations of lost footage on the last several TNG Blu-ray releases – and now we’re back with a brand-new look into “Devil’s Due” from Season 4!

Like the other VHS recordings in this series, this recording of “Devil’s Due” contains an early, unfinished copy of the episode, with missing visual effects, music, and voice-over audio.
In addition to missing all of the final effects footage, this “Cut 6” also includes two additional scenes cut from the broadcast version of the episode!
We’ve been provided a copy of the original VHS transfer, and we’re happy to share an exclusive cut-down package highlighting the six most prominent deleted scenes – in proper context with the finished episode – along with a scene-by-scene breakdown!
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Obviously, there’s not a lot of new material in this workprint, but the lack of deleted scenes is more than made up for by Patrick Stewart’s marvelous Dickensian outburst!
We’re eager to hear your feedback about this newly-recovered footage cut from “Devil’s Due”, so tell us your thoughts in the comments below!