“Compendium” Roundup: Blu-ray Easter Eggs, STID iTunes Update, and Our Giveaway Contest Winner!




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“Compendium” Roundup: Blu-ray Easter Eggs, STID iTunes Update, and Our Giveaway Contest Winner!





Since we published our review of the Star Trek: The Compendium Blu-ray set, we’ve learned of two hidden “easter egg” features buried in the new Into Darkness bonus disc — each carried over from the XBOX package. Each can be accessed through the menu screen we’ve captured below, by scrolling to the highlighted features and pressing LEFT to reveal a hidden Starfleet delta.

The first clip features Karl Urban on set, ready to disarm one of the Section 31 torpedoes, talking about an experience in an acting class early in his career; the second features Simon Pegg and Deep Roy goofing around on the San Francisco nightclub set, acting out the famous “I drink your milkshake!” scene from 2007’s There Will Be Blood.

*   *   *


Good news for you iTunes users! If you purchased a copy of 2009’s Star Trek or Star Trek Into Darkness through the iTunes Store, or redeemed a digital code included with your Blu-ray purchases, you can now access all of the Star Trek and Into Darkness bonus features — everything included in the Compendium release — as part of the iTunes Extras package. (Not included are the above easter eggs.)


Unfortunately, iTunes no longer allows the Extras bundle to download to your Mac or PC, so you’ll need to stream the content from within the iTunes Store online.

Thanks to Vincent for tip!

*   *   *


Finally, we’re pleased to announce that Ronald Oliver of Stockon, CA, has won our Star Trek: The Compendium Blu-ray giveway.


Congratulations, Ron!


Order Star Trek:
The Compendium
on Blu-ray today!

Order Star Trek Into Darkness on 3D Blu-ray today!

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