Changes to TrekCore’s Blu-Ray & News Coverage




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Changes to TrekCore’s Blu-Ray & News Coverage




tclogoThe last 18 months have seen a huge surge in activity at TrekCore as we continue to strive to bring you the latest news, interviews, reviews and behind-the-scenes information on Star Trek: The Next Generation‘s remastering into high definition. As our coverage has grown to include the upcoming launch of Star Trek: Enterprise on Blu-Ray in addition to profiling the latest Star Trek soundtracks and books and bringing you exclusive interviews with the people in front of and behind the camera, the existing manual system of publishing articles has become far too time consuming and troublesome and was starting to impact on the growth of the site.

As a result, we’ve switched to a new system designed to bring you content far more efficiently. Fear not! All existing content and comments have been ported over, and the new system offers a whole host of benefits:

  • All previous articles including TNG Blu-Ray, ENT Blu-Ray, Merchandise and Interviews have been centralized to the new TrekCore News Blog (
  • All comments have been transported over and our Disqus commenting system remains unchanged.
  • All articles and archived articles are now searchable. We’ve had countless requests for this feature, so we’re pleased to finally offer it.
  • You can now see the 5 most recent articles at a glance on every page in the right-hand navigation column.
  • You can also see the 5 most recent comments made by our readers.
  • Filtering news is very easy. For instance, If you are just here for news on the TNG Blu-Rays, you can choose to only view news in that category by selecting it in the right-hand column.
  • We can also finally offer RSS feeds for published articles so you can see at a glance what’s new.
  • Access to the rest of TrekCore couldn’t be simpler – just hover over the menu system at the top of each page to dive into another part of the site.

Let us know your thoughts, suggestions and any bugs you come across!

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