Star Trek TNG-R Comic Con: New Images




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Star Trek TNG-R Comic Con: New Images




The team behind the Star Trek: The Next Generation remastering project participated in a special panel yesterday at the San Diego Comic Con. Whilst TrekCore was sadly unable to be at the panel, CBS kindly provided us with some great photos of the team at the event (scroll down). Three new remastered special effects shots were also debuted, from the episodes ‘Datalore‘, ‘The Arsenal of Freedom‘ and ‘Conspiracy‘.

The above VFX shots appear to have been created in a widescreen 16:9 aspect ratio, although the show will obviously be presented in the original 4:3 ratio on the Blu-Ray release.

The Comic Con panel also debuted a touching still from some of the new bonus features on the Blu-Ray set. The still shows the late DeForest Kelley in some early camera tests from the TNG pilot ‘Encounter at Farpoint‘ stood next to Gene Roddenberry in (what appears to be) the transporter room set of the new Enterprise.

The following are shots taken of the TNG Remastered Comic-Con Panel and show the team in attendance: Filmmaker and DVD producer Robert Meyer Burnett moderated the panel which included: Roger Lay, Jr. (Producer/Director, Blu-Ray), Mike and Denise Okuda (Project Consultants), David S. Grant (Vice President, Multimedia, CBS Television Distribution), Ryan Adams (Director, Multimedia, CBS Television Distribution), Craig Weiss (Creative Director, CBS Digital), Eric Bruno (Lead Compositor) and Wade Felker (Film Transfer Technician).

The Comic-Con audience, with the front row reserved for Starfleet Officers!
Robert Meyer Burnett Eric Bruno Ryan Adams & Mike Okuda
Ryan Adams Craig Weiss Wade Felker
Mike & Denise Okuda Ryan Adams & Mike Okuda The TNG-Remastered Panel: (Back Row, Left to Right:) Ryan Adams, David S. Grant, Wade Felker, Eric Bruno, Roger Lay Jr., Craig Weiss (Front Row:) Mike Okuda, Denise Okuda

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