This certainly is Star Trek: Discovery week, as yet another look ahead to this fall’s television revival arrived from CBS today- and this time, it’s to a brand new take on a classic Trek technology.
In today’s new reveal – courtesy again of Entertainment Weekly – Capt. Phillipa Georgiou (Michelle Yeoh) and Commander Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) stand ready to beam down from the USS Shenzhou transporter room, as Lt. Saru (Doug Jones) mans the control panel along with another Starfleet officer.

That’s right: this is a Starfleet transporter room, a design of which we’ve not seen, well, ever in a previous Trek adventure. And as EW reports, we’re bound to see yet another transporter facility aboard the USS Discovery, not yet revealed – and as EW puts it, will be “very different” from the one aboard the Shenzhou.
As the Shenzhou is an older Starfleet vessel, the Discovery transporter bay may resemble the classic six-man beam-down facility seen aboard Constitution-class ships of the day – such as Captain Pike’s USS Enterprise, already in service during this time in the 23rd Century.

Also of note in today’s new Discovery photo is the tactical gear Georgiou and Burnham are wearing: both protective vests sporting some variation of the well-known Starfleet Command logo, as well as holstered communicators and phasers (or laser pistols?) ready for action.

Let’s hear it, folks: what are your thoughts at this look into the newest take on mid-23rd Century technology? Sound off in the comments below!